quality sporting
Quality Custom, Sporting and Collectible Firearms
A Virtual Marketplace by Whitworth Arms LLC: Buy with Confidence, Sell with Ease!
custom firearms



These products are available for purchase on this website where listed in the "online store", or by special order otherwise. The online brochure provides a more detailed view of the product than the store listing.

  1. Tow Benchgo
  2. Stevens Favorite Switchbarrelgo
  3. H&H Concentricity Gaugego
  4. Marocchi/FinnClassic 512 System/combo gun go
  5. Marocchi/Finnclassic 612 System/combo gungo
  6. Chapuis Rex Artisan "Africaine" Double Riflego
  7. Bad BoyTM Shot & Ball Gungo
  8. Chapuis Progress Medium Frame Double Riflesgo
  9. Chapuis Series 3 Small Frame Double Riflesgo
  10. Bad Boy Dangerous Game Riflesgo
  11. Marocchi 100 - No Compromises Sporting Clays and Field Gungo
  12. Chapuis AGEX Full Frame Double Riflego
  13. Marocchi 03 - Affordable Full Feature Sporting Clays Gungo
  14. Marocchi First - Light Weight Affordable Field O/Ugo